Hot Tub Relocation
New Property/Location Hot Tub Move
Service Description
If you need to move your hot tub to a different property/location, then this is the service you require. This service can be helpful for customers who are moving home, or have sold their hot tub privately to a new owner. A Hot Tub Relocation visit allows for 2 engineers, and up to 180 minutes of our engineers time on site, within our service area. This should allow good time to carry out the works, but occasionally our time on site can be extended by factors beyond our control, such as poor access, poor site preparation, parking restrictions or the hot tub being full on arrival (unless otherwise agreed). We believe in a fair approach, so you wont find us attending site with a stop-watch, but should we find ourselves on site for hours at a time, then an additional labour charge can apply. We advise images to be sent, where possible, to better understand and prepare for the job as required. This service is only applicable for hot tubs up to 2.4 x 2.4 and excludes wood-fired/barrel hot tubs. We have the right to refuse the job should we have concerns that it cant be carried out safely or successfully, without resulting in damage. A charge of £160 will still apply if we attend site. For further information or if you would like to discuss specifics about a job before we attend, then please call us on 01275 401140, by WhatsApp on 07508199945 or by email at service@spasimple.co.uk.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or re-schedule we require 24 hours notice prior to the booked visit. If we attend your property and fail to gain access or find the issue is unrelated to your hot tub (for example electric supply), then you will still be charged. Please also ensure we have access to both water and power.
Contact Details
01275 401140
Street, Somerset BA16 0GF, UK